Board of Trustees

Kathryn Yates
Retired Managing Director, Towers Watson, Portland, ME
Diane Garthwaite
Vice Chair, Facilities Chair
Retired Landscape Designer, Scarborough, ME
Committee Chairs
Deborah H. Dluhy
Enrollment Chair
Dean Emerita, School of the Museum of Fine Arts and retired Deputy Director of the MFA
Meredith Koerner P’16
Finance Chair, 403(b) Chair
Retired IT Director, Acushnet Company
Susan A. Rogers
Governance Chair
Retired Higher Education Administrator
Jenny Scheu
Academic and Student Life Chair
Architect/Artist, Redhouse Studio
Abigail Wark, Ph.D.
Advancement Chair
Dan Bailin
Principal / Director of Client Strategy, P3
Michael Boyson
Retired Senior Institutional Consultant / Financial Advisor,
Morgan StanleyCharles P. "Sandy" Butterfield
Founder & President, Boulder Wind Consulting
Jordan Carey '19
Founder, Loquat Portland, ME
Jeana Cho
Attorney and Former Vice President of Marketing, Knours
Jennie Coyne
Co-Founder, Chickadeeds
Stacey Dietsch
Executive Vice President - Talent Pipeline, Liberty Mutual
Kerem Durdag
President and COO, GWI
Edward Friedman '08, Hon. DFA ’22
Retired Vascular Surgeon Falmouth, ME
Kathryn Knight-Wise
President, KKW Consulting
Sue Lambe
Retired Director of Public Art for the City of Austin Texas
Roberta March MFA '21
Marianna Pierce
Semi-retired Lawyer and Human Resources Administrator
Damien Saccani, CFP
Founder & President, Maiden Cove Capital
Gimbala Sankare
Director of Human Resources, Preti Flaherty
Kristin Kellogg Valdmanis
Brit Vitalius
Principal and Designated Broker, Vitalius Real Estate Group
Emeritus Trustees
Joan L. Amory
Retired Freelance Reporter
Jane G. Briggs
Community Volunteer
Daniel N, Crewe, Hon. DFA '21
President, The Bob Crewe Foundation
Alison D. Hildreth '76, Hon. DFA '17
Betsy Evans Hunt, Hon. DFA '13
Executive Director, Evans Gallery
Candace Pilk Karu, Hon. DFA '13
Chief Imagination Officer, 3C Media
Paula C. Lunder, Hon. DFA '17
Vice President, The Lunder Foundation
Deborah Spring Reed
Retired Advertising Executive