AboutInformation for Faculty & Staff

Operational Calendar

The Operational Calendar was created through a collaborative effort by representatives of departments and programs across the college to provide a central resource for faculty and staff to find up-to-date information about meetings, events, important dates, and deadlines.

Please note that you must be signed in to your @meca.edu Google Account to view events on the Operational Calendar, as access is limited to those with a Maine College of Art & Design account.

How to add information from the Operational Calendar to your Google Calendar

The Operational Calendar is made up of layers of individual Google Calendars maintained by various departments. You can subscribe to any or all of the individual calendars so that they appear in the "Other Calendars" section of your Google Calendar home page.

To subscribe

Click the link below for each calendar you would like to subscribe to:

At the bottom right of the calendar page, you will see a button "+ Google Calendar"

Push the "+ Google Calendar" button to open the selected calendar and click "Add" to subscribe