AcademicsAcademic Policies

Complaint Process

Maine College of Art & Design is committed to supporting a positive student experience. We are always ready to listen and help resolve any issues regarding a student's concern about the quality of their educational experience, our licensure program, and any other concerns.

Students should use the following process to have their academic concerns and/or complaints addressed.

Complaints/concerns regarding a specific class or a faculty member:
  1. If appropriate, reach out directly to the faculty member first;
  2. If the student is not comfortable talking to the faculty member, the student should reach out to the program chair of that program. The Registrar's or dean's office can both give students the name of the chair if they do not know it.
  3. If neither of these pathways are appropriate, students can reach out directly to the Dean's office by emailing Mary Canfield at
If a student has a concern regarding a specific program:
  1. The student should email the program chair of that program. The Registrar's or Dean's Office can both give students the name of the chair if they do not know it.
  2. If the student is not comfortable talking to their chair, they can reach out directly to the Dean's Office by emailing Mary Canfield at, or they can stop by the Dean's Office at anytime.

All other academic concerns:
  1. Can come to the Dean’s Office directly at

Consumer protection complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities, and operations:

Maine College of Art & Design is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) and Maine College of Art & Design follows the complaint resolution policies and procedures outlined within the SARA Policy Manual and summarized here. Consumer protection complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities, and operations may be submitted to If a student is dissatisfied with the campus-based resolution, a concern may be submitted to the State of Maine here. This form should be used by any current student or former student enrolled in a distance education degree program or participating in an on-site experience outside the State of Maine (internships, externships, practicums, field experiences, and clinical experiences), who seek to file a complaint against a degree-granting institution approved to operate under the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA).

* policy updated 01/15/2025