Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
About MAT
For seven years running, 100% of MAT candidates have had a job placement within three months of graduation.
Program Overview
Course of Study
The MAT schedule is designed to let you graduate just in time to apply for the following academic year’s teaching positions when they open. Not only do we prepare students for the K-12 classroom, but also for museum education and community art educator positions and leadership roles.
The MAT Program emphasizes experiential learning. Our connections with the greater Portland community of public and private schools, galleries, professional artists, and community centers, coupled with the College’s own resources—a vibrant visiting artist program, the Joanne Waxman Library, the Institute of Contemporary Art—make our program an exceptional pathway to a teaching career in visual art.
Program Outcomes
The Master of Arts in Teaching program prepares artists to become effective art educators who use the knowledge, skills, and dispositions acquired in our program to creatively serve children and youth in PK–12 schools, museums, community-based/alternative settings, and virtual learning environments. The program, which is both individualized and collaborative, prepares artists to recognize how their personal and professional characteristics and attributes enhance and strengthen the learning environment.
Curriculum Breakdown
Summer Intensive
4 weeks
Theory-based courses are taught in an institute setting with field experiences, beginning with the first week.
- MAT 804 Fundamentals of Creativity and Student Development
- MAT 800 The Artist as Educator Experience: Art Studio Component. This course continues into the fall
15 weeks
Take courses in studio art, teaching methods, and curriculum building. Learn to manage different types of classrooms by working in alternative settings. Develop and curate group exhibition.
- MAT 806 Exceptionality in the Art Classroom
- MAT 809 Diversity & Equity in Alternative Settings
- MAT 810 PK-8 Curriculum Design, Development, and Assessment
- MAT 812 High School Curriculum Design, Development, and Assessment
15 weeks
The program culminates in a student teaching experience that can take place almost anywhere, and is enhanced by a Professional Practices Seminar.
- MAT 832 PK-8 Student Teaching
- MAT 833 High School Student Teaching
- MAT 836 Professional Practices Seminar
Frequently Asked Questions
How many credits are required of the program?
36 credit hours.
How many field hours are required?
700 hours.
How long is the program?
10 months.
How many admissions cycles are there per year?
You can complete an application anytime before this Priority Application deadline. Complete applications will be reviewed as soon as possible (starting December).
After the Priority Application Deadline, applications are reviewed on a rolling basis as space permits. Although there are no differences in the admission process, students admitted during Rolling Admissions are not guaranteed decision extensions.
How many credits is each course worth?
3 or 6 credits each.
Can I take the program part-time?
Can I work part-time or full-time while enrolled in the program?
Weekend jobs and/or paid opportunities come up through the year relative to the art ed curriculum. For example, publishing a lesson at the PMA or running a workshop for Continuing Studies.
Do I need a BFA to apply to the program?
A minimum 3.0 GPA and a BFA or BA in Studio Art degree. If you don't hold one of those two degrees, you need to have earned six art history credits and passed the Praxis Art: Content Knowledge test.
Do I receive a teacher certification from Maine or can I get my certification from my state of residence?
You will be certified in the State of Maine only.
Is housing available for students in the program?
Do I need to take the Praxis test prior to being accepted or during the program or after?
The Praxis test is only required if you do not meet art history requirements. More information here.
Learn more about the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

Photo by Kari Herer.
Start here. Teach anywhere.
Every graduate from our program wanting to teach landed a full-time teaching job. Our 10-month Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program prepares you, as an artist, to develop into a certified art educator who is fully prepared to lead with best practices in art education. Come learn how to translate your unique qualities and visions into creative teaching practices.