Research & Databases
Off-campus access to these resources is limited to current students, faculty, and staff. To use these resources you must be logged into your email.
Academic Search Complete & Art Full Text
With this combined search tool, students can access both Academic Search Complete and Art Full Text to find thousands of scholarly articles covering an array of academic disciplines, including art, science, and literature. MAT students may use this customized link to search solely within art education journals and magazines.
Alexander Street Collections
Audio & Video Collections on topic areas ranging from environmental science to art history. Users can access multi-media content and make clips for use in presentations.
Alexander Street Video
Curated, discipline-focused, primary-source collections, websites, and streaming media for learning and research.
Digital Maine Library
Free statewide access to a variety of online resources available to Maine libraries.
A small but growing collection of audiobooks on a collection of subjects ranging from art to philosophy and more. To borrow audiobooks, login with your library card barcode number and select the title you want to borrow. You can check out up to five titles at a time for three weeks with no renewal. You can reserve up to five books at a time, if you finish your title early, return it early and check out a new book.
Access to thousands of journal articles, primary source documents & artifacts and 2,000,000+ art images for educational, and scholarly purposes.
Log in with your MECA&D credentials to stream the library's online film collection.
Portland Press Herald
For access to the Portland Press Herald, please contact
ProQuest Platforms
Includes access to thousands of articles from ProQuest's archival collections, including 12 standalone newspapers providing essential viewpoints of African American experience from 100 years of American history.