
Sonya Schönberger

Visiting Artist Summer Lecture Series

Open to the public.

About the Artist

Sonya Schönberger combines the studies of ethnology and experimental media design in her artistic practice. By means of various long-term projects, archives were built up for which she conducted private conversations with contemporary witnesses of the Second World War in Germany, the USA and Israel, for example. Since 2018 she has been working on the video archive "Berliner Zimmer“. This archive aims towards understanding what narratives exist in the city of Berlin. Depending on the project, the artist consciously uses different media such as photography, theater, film, installation, or audio formats.

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About MFA Visiting Artist Summer Summer Lecture Series

The Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art program's Summer Lecture Series brings together an international roster of visiting artists, curators, and scholars to participate in the MFA Summer Intensive in Portland Maine. In addition to critiques and studio visits with graduate candidates, Visiting Artists deliver a lecture open to all students, faculty & staff.

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