
Heather Guertin

Visiting Artist Summer Lecture Series

Open to the public

About the Artist

Heather Guertin’s practice engages the relationship between observation and imaginative expression. Her paintings contain a diverse variety of mark making and reference a large collection of visual subject matter. She uses abstraction in her work as a passageway to better understand form. Each translation from image to paint in the work is a subjective decision. Guertin’s gestural mark-making ties different fragments of imagery together and transforms it into a new whole. Through this process, the painting finds its own logic, making it difficult to locate the original source. This combination of observation and invention results in a tension between illusionistic space and the flatness of pure color. Through her painterly approach, she achieves an autonomous physicality, rendering the works into psychological and imaginative paintings.

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About MFA Visiting Artist Summer Summer Lecture Series

The Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art program's Summer Lecture Series brings together an international roster of visiting artists, curators, and scholars to participate in the MFA Summer Intensive in Portland Maine. In addition to critiques and studio visits with graduate candidates, Visiting Artists deliver a lecture open to all students, faculty & staff.

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