1882 Society
Maine College of Art & Design's 1882 Society gratefully recognizes individuals who have made arrangements for the College in their estate plans. Contact Annie Wadleigh, Associate Director of Development at awadleigh@meca.edu to learn more about making a legacy gift to the College.
Several additional donors have made their planned gift intentions known but prefer to remain anonymous.
- Jane Briggs
- Allerton Cushman
- Roderick Dew '80, MFA ’00
- Robert Diamante '93
- John Eide
- Roger Gilmore, Hon. DFA '02
- Constance Hayes '80, Hon. DFA ’03
- Alison D. Hildreth '76
- Albert C. Hubbard
- Candace Pilk Karu, Hon. DFA ’13
- Mark and Meredith Koerner P '16
- Marta Morse
- Grace Nelson '82
- Lois P. Poster ’97
- Deborah Spring Reed
- Joan Fowler Smith, Hon. DFA '01
- Katy Stenhouse '91
- Susan H. Webster
- Caron C. Zand