Purpose of the Form 1098-T
The IRS requires the University to issue Form 1098-T, “Tuition Payments
Statement,” to each student by January 31st of each year. Form 1098-T is an
information tax document to aid taxpayers in determining whether they are
eligible to claim a tax deduction or one of the education tax credits on their
federal income tax return. Form 1098-T is NOT to be filed with a tax
return. Its purpose is not to report scholarship income to the IRS. It is for
informational purposes only.
The 1098-T forms will be available online by the January 31st mailing deadline.
Please allow 10 days for arrival/delivery of 1098-Ts mailed to students who
did not choose electronic delivery.
Information Reported on the Form 1098-T Tax Tuition Statement
On the Form 1098-T, we report the name, social security number and address of students, and indicate whether they were a graduate student and/or at least half-time during the calendar year. We also report the following boxes Box 1, Box 3, Box 5, Box 8 (at least half-tine) and Box 9 (graduate student). If Box 1 on your Form 1098-T is blank, visit the IRS website for more information.
IRS.gov 1098-T Instructions Link
Payments Received for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses - Box 1
Box 1 of the 1098T form will included all payments received during the calendar year from any source (inclusive of grants and scholarships) up to the total amount billed for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) netted against any reimbursements or refunds relating to payments made during the calendar year. Qualified tuition and related expenses included tuition, fees, books and supplies required for enrollment to be paid to the institution. Qualified tuition and related expenses do not include items such as personal expenses, room, board, insurance, medical fees, travel, sports equipment, games, hobbies, etc.
Scholarships and Grants Received - Box 5
Box 5 includes the amount of all scholarships or grants received in the calendar year reported, regardless of the term for which they were intended. This is because we are required to report the amounts received in the calendar year received.
If you qualify for an educational credit, you should use your personal records and student account activity statements to determine the amounts that you actually paid toward the charges reported on the 1098-T. We recommend always seek advice from a tax professional.
We are required to report all qualified transactions in the actual calendar year during which they were posted to your account, regardless of when you pay them.
If you need more information than what is available on your 1098-T, you may access an account itemization “Course and Fee Statement” via your student portal (MyMECA account) under the Finances tab.
FAQ For 1098-T
Can I get a copy of my 1098-T tax form?
A: You can view your 1098-T tax details in your MyMECA account.
- Log in with your MECA email address
- Click on the Finances tab
- MECA&D's Federal Tax ID will show at the bottom of the Finances page
- Click Consent to Electronic Statements to view a copy of the IRS Form 1098-T
- Select the year you want to view. Your payments for qualified tuition related expenses will be shown as well as your scholarships and grants
- Please download and save a copy of IRS Form 1098-T for your records
- Double check that the address showing is your current address (*If you need to update your address, send an email to billing@meca.edu indicating your current address)
- Alternate Option: Click on Go To My 1098-T to view your 1098-T tax value amounts only
If a student's account is paid by multiple parties, does each get a 1098-T form? Can we request the form to be completed in a particular way?
A: The form will be sent to the student's address that is currently on file. Each student has access to the form online in MYMECA under the Finances tab, when available.
The 1098-T Tax form will list the payments and aid for the 2024 calendar year. It is a standard form and cannot be adjusted for any preferences.
How do I consent to receive an electronic 1098-T tax form?
A: We encourage students to receive the IRS Form 1098-T electronically in MyMECA. You may opt in to receive an electronic 1098-T by following these steps:
- Log in with your MECA email address
- Click on the Finances tab
- Open Financial Document Center
- Select the button Consent to electronic statements and follow the prompts
How do I revoke consent for my electronic 1098-T tax form?
A: We encourage students to receive the IRS Form 1098-T electronically in MyMECA. You may opt out of the electronic 1098-T by following these steps:
-Log in with your MECA email address
- Click on the Finances tab
- Open the drop down menu from the View PDF button
- Select Opt out of electronic statements and follow the prompts