College Resources

Joanne Waxman Library
The Joanne Waxman Library at Maine College of Art & Design is one of the largest independent libraries in Northern New England and a major resource for the region.
Artists at Work
From residencies and grants to job applications and public art proposals, Artists at Work is committed to helping you be an artist for life.
Our community of graduates is a diverse network of artists and designers working as creative professionals globally.
The Office of the Registrar is committed to providing you with the knowledge and guidance you need to navigate successfully through the curriculum here at the College.
Discover Portland
Located on the southern coast of Maine, Portland is just the right size, easy to navigate on foot, and filled with arts and culture and minutes from beaches, lakes, and forests.
Alerts & Notifications
We strongly encourage you to sign up for our text notification system for the quickest communication.
Disability Services & Accomodations
We are committed to providing equal access for students with disabilities under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and its amendments, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Support & Resources
- Emergency Resources
- Medical Care
- Food Insecurity
- Anti-Harassment Policies
- Weather Notification
- Transportation Information
Learn more about BFA laptop requirements, technology resources, and support services.